
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Writing Life

Adora did this at breakfast, totally unprompted by me. Isn't she amazing!

Friday, February 17, 2006


Miracle of Miracles

Yesterday evening we lost Puppy Wuffy.

We turned the place upside down looking for him. Three times. Our house is the size of a walnut. Not Adora, but I, started to panic. Mid-term the next morning, not a good time to be up with a kid who can't sleep without the special stuffie they've slept with every night. I suggested she find another stuffy to sleep with. She found one, hopped into bed and slept peacefull until morning, when we found PW stuffed inside the dollhouse.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Giving Up Your Treasure

On Oprah today there was a man who had been given White Sox world series tickets. It had been 88 years or something since they had been in the world series and this guy was a big fan so these tickets were special to him. He sold them and used the money to help Katrina victims. The White Sox came on Oprah and surprised this man with all kinds of goodies. The audience went wild.

Adora asked why they gave him all those presents. I explained to her that he was being recognized and rewarded for giving away his treasure to help other people. I used Puppy Wuffy as an example (PW is like a special blankie), because she sometimes brings PW to Grace if she is upset. I explained that God sees it when you give up your treasure to others and it makes him really happy. I also explained that our rewards come from God, not Oprah.

She jumped up and went running off yelling 'I'm going to give away Puppy Wuffy right now!", and thrust PW into Gracies arms. It was so cute.

Thirty seconds later she was chasing Grace with tears streaming yelling "Give me my Puppy!"

Sunday, February 05, 2006


"I'm a doctor!"

Phew! That stinks!

Adora has a bit of a cold, and Matt and Grace are both a little under the weather also. Anyway, Adora just had to go pee, so off she went to the bathroom. A few minutes later I heard her gagging, like she was going to throw up. I headed down the hall to see if she was okay just as she came out of the bathroom saying 'It really smells bad in there.'