Mommy: Adora, did you know that Uncle Dan is coming to visit tonight?
Adora: Uncle Dan! I love Uncle Dan. I'm his nurse!
Mommy: Do you mean you're his niece?
Adora: Yes, niece. Umm, Mommy, why does he call me his nurse...uhh, niece? I don't wanna be a niece.
Mommy: If he's your uncle, that means you are his niece. Why don't you want to be a niece?
Adora: Sigh. Because I just wanna be a ballerina and Adora. That's all.
If only life were that simple. We end up with so many labels to describe our relationships. I happen to love the labels I have: daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, lover (not in any particular order) friend, teacher, child of the King, redeemed one,....
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